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the Groove
with ShotBox

Crafting Your
Perfect Experience


Shotbox is a premiere alternative electronic music event organising venture, catering to an untapped Pakistani urban demographic by providing premium elctronic music events based on introducing art and set production techniques and technologies unimplemented before.
Shotbox is a premiere alternative electronic music event organising venture, catering to an untapped Pakistani urban demographic by providing premium elctronic music events based on introducing art and set production techniques and technologies unimplemented before.


Contact Us

Our platform gives you what you need to set-up and expand your business the way YOU want!


How will you join us?

Select your attendance type for a seamless event experience.

Booking Form

How will you join us?

Select Your Ticket Type

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A Few More Steps to Secure Your Spot!

To ensure a great experience for all, we need some additional information from you.

Are you above 18 years of age?
Have you previously been to any Shotbox event?
Do you acknowledge the following?
Have you read and agree to the terms and conditions (click to view)?